Thursday, September 22, 2011


22/9/2011, Thurs (Anytime)

This is what exactly happened right now in home.
I'm going crazy #$%^&*()%^&*%

I just need a friend or whatsoever you called that to chill me out from being such a bored one. I'm being trapped in home like a prisoner! Somebody please help me to get out from here, even just a moment.
What a pity life of me :-(

Dear Friends,
Where're u guys have been????


Saturday, August 27, 2011

i miss the moment we hang out together!

Monday, August 1, 2011

OMG! i almost forgot that we ever hang out together if i did not found this kind of picture (actually in my cd). I think this is our first and the last we hang out together (i mean the 4 of us). It’s me, Efa, Joseph (si mata biru) and Sharil. Actually we didn’t not plan to go out together. It’s started when Sharil and Joseph went to Kg. E (hostel where me and Efa live) to return some stuff to Effa (they told me so). I don’t exactly remember how it’s started. Lol. The thing i remembered and know the most is, that night was awesome and we had a good time together. I’ll remember this! I’m just happy that we ever hang out together like this.

Even we are not very close now (i guess we never get close, haha), but this would be one of my best moment in UMS. Yeahhh! I love u guys...muahh!


Sunday, July 31, 2011

What will happen in future?

Sunday, 31 July, 2011

Future? I keep thinking what might happen to me when i finish my study. And, here i am. I just finish my study 2 months ago, and for sure i am looking for job now. While looking for a job, i've realized one thing. "It's so hard to find a job that worth". And sometimes the vacancies that they post was hard to accept. I give u an example, 'penjaga kuda'. I just feel wanna laugh by reading it. I can't imagine i'm a penjaga kuda. lol. I hope something good will happen in future (Aku nak keja bagus, rumah besar, kereta besar, gaji besar, yang penting semua besar, haha!). Amin~

i've never been these famous

SUNDAY, July 31, 2011

Sometimes, people do not know how to stop talking too much. lol

People talking around about you. Don't care if it's bad or good things. They keep mentioning your name everywhere. If they tell good things, that's good. But if they tell bad things about you, that's the problem! You'll be famous among them. Keep silent or talking? You decide!

p/s: Sometimes, we got to choose to keep silent or problems will after you! Silence avoid many problem.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dr Dre ft Eminem - I Need A Doctor TTURK REMAKE 2011***

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

i said

TUE, 12th JULY 2011

when i said i need time, then give me a moment.
when i said i need a space, then leave me alone.
when i said lie things, its mean i'm in guilty.
when i said i'll text u later, its mean i'm busy.
when i said i don't like it, its mean i don't want u to do it.
when i said i don't want, its mean i don't want u to push me.
when i said i like u, its mean i really do.
when i said i care about you, its mean u're meant a lot to me.
when i said i'm getting bored with u, i didn't mean it.
when i said i hate you,then i'm just lying to myself.
when i said i promise, then i'll make it happen.
when i said i miss you, its mean i wanted to see u.

when i said i need you,then don't leave me.
when i said about the past, its mean i don't want it happened again.
when i said i love you, its mean i really care about you.
that's why i love you because u're really meant to me :)


Friday, June 17, 2011

Dragons and Tigers

FRI, 17th JUNE 2011

Dragon and Tiger are often expressed as Yin and Yang

Dragons and tigers represent the dynamics forces of power and change.
India is struggling for "tigerhood". Vietnam is "Asia's baby tiger".

Yang is controlled by a green dragon, while yin is controlled by a white tiger.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Nature of Research

THURSDAY, 26th MAY 2011

What does it mean to know something? How can we really know something? What does it feel when you know something that you never ever know? It is very important to be able to determine what you can know and what you can’t. Sometimes we think we know something because it seems so obvious, yet obviousness is not a guarantee of truth. We are going to go over some things which complicate what we can know and why it is important to think about this.

Do take a look to the picture below:

Even in our daily life, we didn't realize that we're doing research even it is just a basic research.

What i'm gonna talk here is all about doing research. By doing research, we can learn something new and didn't realize how important it is. Research is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our understanding of the phenomenon under study. It is the function of the researcher to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon and to communicate that understanding to others. Learning something new, taking a different approach, or engaging with someone with a different perspective from your own can cause noticeable changes in your everyday life. Even just watching a movie or reading a book can alter your outlook to some extent. The more you read, the more you'll know. This is how you can contribute to the nature of knowledge. So, keep on reading! :-)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Online Job for All

Work at home

Whether you are looking for a gainful work at home or whether you dream about getting money online; yes, after all, you located it!

Gain financial freedom

No computer knowledges needed. You may be absolutely new to manage our application - you don't need ANY skill. This is extremely easy.

You may stay at room and work at your free time. Even if you don't have pc you may do this work in Online cafe or on Internet cell phone.

How it works?

We make a online-shop for you with ready to operate e-commerce solution. Your job is extremely easy; you have to post material about your online-store to the Web engines.
We will provide you with very simple step-by-step instruction how to do this. The typical instruction requests you to open a web site and fill in a form with material about your internet-store and software.

You will be paid from US $20.00 to US 180.00 for any sale which is comes via your internet-store.

There is no restriction for your revenue. No matter where you live your commissions are 100% assured.

Sign up Now...

Sign up now to get economic independence. All you need is the simple: apply now and havepersonal internet company!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

it's VD...

I've been watching these movie for a few months since last year when i first watch it on 8TV. At 1st i watch it, it's really quite interesting even i only watched just one episode.

Vampire Diaries is about a story of a vampire (S. Stefan) who admired one girl (G. Elena) which is a human in Mystic Falls. The story began when Stefan going to school and studied in the same class with the girl. After a few months being there, weird things happened. Many people got killed by unknown. (p/s: watch by urself for more details). I'm about to finish my season 2, wondering when the 17 will available ^^.

Sometimes, when i think back it's okay to do not tell everything about you and your past to the people that you care and love. Because knowing the truth sometimes hurting them, even youself. It's not "secret" if we do tell anything right? ^_^

********THE END********

Monday, February 21, 2011


Stop thinking about other things that happened around u. This is how u can ignore such a bad things... We can't see what will happen in the future, but we can fix all the mistake that we did in the past.
Cherish your life!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

happy happy~

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jump Start My Diet

TUESDAY, 25th JAN 2011

1. Time your carbohydrate intake.

2. Eat whole grains by lunchtime.

3. Drink water. Aim for 8 glasses a day.

4. Keep a journal of what you eat and drink.

5. Don't take any huge meal after 6 p.m.

p/s: don't take any kind of "MAGGIE"


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Age is JUst a NumbEr.....

~PoliN, epy betday~

i'm celebrating my old day this year with a little surprise from my family and cousin. thanx guys, i luv u all, muaxxhh!!!
singing a birthday song, make a wish, blow the candles, taste the cake ----> this what i did every year.... i think there's no birthday party if my birthday did not fell on this date: 1st of JANUARI...syukur alhamdulilah...hehe :-P

"POLIN, KO TUA SUDAH...HAHA" ---> every year must got this message from my old friends.. tapi tidak pa lah, yang penting dorang ingat betday sy :-)(even there's no birthday gift for me)

p/s: Happy New Year 2011


Monday, January 17, 2011

teletubbies juga la...

MONDAY, 18th JAN 2011


the true faces of teletubbies behind their mask...haha

My favourite cartoon with my sister long time ago....adessss...haha...
