Monday, September 6, 2010

Believe it or Not

6.9.2010, Monday
Its been 2 years, 2 months, and 8 days (since 28 Jun 2008 until -look at the date above-) i became a student of UMS. And this is my 1st time i went to library while mid sem break. And guess what? i'm oredy here around 7.47 am (if at home,i'm still on my bed) and the library only opened at 8.30. Urgh! hate to wait. It is just 8.25 when i try to come in, suddenly the cleaner (boy),which is cleaning the door outside says;

The boy: dik,belum boleh masuk lagi. jam 8.30 baru boleh masuk.
To cover my shame, i reply him;
Me: oh,yaka? Jam saya cepat la nie (rose to my cheeks).

p/s: He just called me 'ADIK'.....uhu :-( (padahal muka dia macam baru belasan umur nie)


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