Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Age is JUst a NumbEr.....

~PoliN, epy betday~

i'm celebrating my old day this year with a little surprise from my family and cousin. thanx guys, i luv u all, muaxxhh!!!
singing a birthday song, make a wish, blow the candles, taste the cake ----> this what i did every year.... i think there's no birthday party if my birthday did not fell on this date: 1st of JANUARI...syukur alhamdulilah...hehe :-P

"POLIN, KO TUA SUDAH...HAHA" ---> every year must got this message from my old friends.. tapi tidak pa lah, yang penting dorang ingat betday sy :-)(even there's no birthday gift for me)

p/s: Happy New Year 2011



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