Friday, October 29, 2010


FRIDAY, 07:13 PM

Three names I go by:

1. Polin (kwn2 d UMS panggil)

2. Pau (kwn2 masa 2ndary skul panggil)

3. Qung (si Gumie selalu panggil klu d rumah..ehehe)

Three Jobs I have had in my life:

1. Orang gaji (kalau balik kundasang)

2. Orang gaji juga (tulung kakak bt keja rmh n jaga anaknya...hehe [nie klu balik d telipok la])

3. Tiada pengalaman bekerja kecuali jd org gaji…. Hehe (buli jd suri rumah sepenuh masa sdh)

Three Places I have lived:

1. Kg. Batu 36, Kundasang, Ranau (home sweet home) :-P

2. Telipok Ria….(di banglo kakak saya…hihi)

3. Rumah sendiri (nanti akan datang…ehe)

Three Favorite drinks:

1. Saya suka minum susu segar….hehe

2. Air putih a.k.a sky juice (at least 3liter per day…ehe)

3. Lemon tea Ping

Three TV Shows that I watch:

1. Pink Panther Show

2. Vampire Diaries (sebab si Damon hensem….hihi)

3. Channel 613 (my nephew's pevret channel, jadi terpaksa tengok sekali)

Three places I have been: *most recent*

1. Bilikku Syurgaku a.k.a hostel [A2-2-9-3]

2. SSS

3. Library kalau trep rajin...di Megalab kalau mau online free/cari maklumat....eheheh

Three places I am looking forward to go:

1. Mau round 1 Sabah dulu bru p tempat lain....hihihih

2. same as above

3. same as above juga.....:-)

People that I sms/sms me regularly:


2. Si Kupik (soalan wajib “ko di mana”)

3. Peminat-peminat…haha

Three of my favorite foods:

1. Coklat and ice-cream

2. Sweet n sour prawn (masakan kakak sy walaupun jarang2 makan..;-P)

3. Mee Sedap (makanan wajib bila tiba hujung sem a.k.a mau berjimat…hehehe)

Three friends I think will respond:

1. Family (yg paling utama)

2. BF (besfren and boifren)

3. Yang sy rasa mau respond, i'll respond....:-)

Three things I am looking forward to:

1. Konvo ke-13 (sy konvo nie...hehe)

2. Tidak tau....

3. i'll plan it later la.....(jwpn blur..he)

Three things that are always by your side:

1. Kedua-dua biji handpon ku….(org kaya pakai dua henpon,hehe)

2. Cermin, bedak, lip balm, sikat (hidup x lengkap klu salah satu nie teda…haha)

3. Dompet

Three things I always look forward to during weekends:

1. Mau balik KG (laaaaamaa sdh x blik)

2. Tidur puas2…..(bersantai di bilik)

3. Shopping (Lama sdh x shopping)

Three things I always do every morning:

1. Buka mata (memang la bah...haha) and Kasi stop alarm henpon

2. Tgk cermin (WAJIB)

3. P bersiap (mau p kls)




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