Sunday, February 27, 2011

it's VD...

I've been watching these movie for a few months since last year when i first watch it on 8TV. At 1st i watch it, it's really quite interesting even i only watched just one episode.

Vampire Diaries is about a story of a vampire (S. Stefan) who admired one girl (G. Elena) which is a human in Mystic Falls. The story began when Stefan going to school and studied in the same class with the girl. After a few months being there, weird things happened. Many people got killed by unknown. (p/s: watch by urself for more details). I'm about to finish my season 2, wondering when the 17 will available ^^.

Sometimes, when i think back it's okay to do not tell everything about you and your past to the people that you care and love. Because knowing the truth sometimes hurting them, even youself. It's not "secret" if we do tell anything right? ^_^

********THE END********

Monday, February 21, 2011


Stop thinking about other things that happened around u. This is how u can ignore such a bad things... We can't see what will happen in the future, but we can fix all the mistake that we did in the past.
Cherish your life!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

happy happy~